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The Fluent Kick
2024 / Art Director

CW: Matías Contreras & Abderrahmane Mehdi Bouktach

The One Club 24'-Young Ones One Show-Finalist- Integrated

The One Club 24'-Young Ones ADC-Finalist-Footwear Design

Golden Award Montreux 24' - Finalist

Highlighted on Ads of the World 24'

#activation #in-app #AI #Productdesign


In the world of sneaker enthusiasts, everyone is captivated by the latest trendy releases.Considering the dedication required for this hobby, some enthusiasts are even willing to camp outside a store for three days to secure their coveted new sneakers.
They won't skip a beat, staying alert for notifications, even if the odds of acquiring the shoes are as low as 1 in 10,000.

Sneakerheads are just as likely not to overlook a Duolingo notification for a lesson if they can cop a unique pair of kicks.

Introducing the Fluent Kicks in collaboration with Nike SP (Special Project) on
International Language Day! These unique sneakers are sure to be coveted for their originality. The challenge? Secure a pair by maintaining a 21-day streak of learning a new language, starting from the countdown.
Why 21 days? Research has shown that it's the magic number to adopt a new habit.



